Friday, October 25, 2024

Don’t Waste A Dime On Pay-Per-Click!

Pay per click search engines are a way to get hundreds of targeted hits to your site quick. But in our hurry to bring hordes of visitors ready to spend their money we sometimes overlook what we’re trying to accomplish.

We need to maximize our click throughs, and pay less for each visit. So, following is my checklist of five sure-fire ways to get more bang for your pay per click buck.

1) Avoid FREE!

Usually when I’m producing classified ads I’ll use the word FREE. It’s a powerful way to get people to your sales letter.

But if you’re using pay-per-click, your objective isn’t massive traffic. You want buyers, not freebie hunters. Don’t give them a reason to visit you other than your product. Even let them know that they’ll be spending some money when they land on your site so you separate the buyers from browsers.

2) Give Them Your Offer!

Tell the reader in your search listing what you’re offering. An ebook? A toolkit? Tell them in the body of your listing so they know what they’re clicking through to get. Don’t waste click throughs by stating that your product is the answer for everyone.

3) Use A PPC Manager!

Pay per click managers show you when there’s a gap between your bid and the next bid.

For instance, you might bid .67 for a number 2 spot, while the number 3 spot is only bidding .63. You’re bidding .03 more than you need to, and you’re wasting money on each click.

A few cents might now seem like much, but 1,000 click throughs means you’ve wasted $30.00.

A manager will automatically notify you of these changes, and let you adjust your bid and save hundreds. A good one to check out is:

4) Target Your Audience!

Use only keywords that address exactly what you’re driving traffic to. Nothing waste money quicker than driving traffic to a site that has nothing of interest for those visiting. Keep your search terms tightly focused around your offer.

5) Explore Other Keywords!

If you can’t afford to pay $5.00 per click for a listing under “home business”, start searching for other more obscure keywords.

For instance, if you’re offering a home business selling candy, use creative keyword bids like “candy business” and “make money with candy.”

Try to target your audience directly, and bid on keywords that address the niche market.

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