Thursday, September 19, 2024

Don’t Slacken for Summer

Beaches beckon, people go on vacation and everyone says summer is a slack time for sales. The temptation to shrug and accept this as a faite acompli, is therefore great.

You don’t have to accept this situation, you know!

OK, hands up … Who is going to make the most sales of courses and How-To information when the majority of people do begin to think about learning in September. Is it?

A. The person who spent Summer in a hammock on the porch?

B. The person who spent Summer preparing their Back-To- School (work, the real world), even Christmas advertising campaign while they had the quieter time to do it?

The answer’s so obvious, I can’t possibly offer a prize!

If you do succumb to the temptation to do as you are told that everyone else does, then not only will you be un- prepared for the Autumn sales season, but before you know it, Thanksgiving, Christmas, (insert holiday of choice) will be here and you’ll be taking time off again.

If you just have the time off from your regular job, then use those two weeks wisely to give your own business efforts a kick up their rear. You can still make it fun!

If you don’t have money for a vacation, consider this work towards next years. We are living in a tough economy, so you are probably not the only one. Give discounts to other non- vacationers, i.e. other folk still at their desks now.

Keep your own eyes open for similar bargains.

If you really must go to the beach/porch/patio/pool, then save money on magazines and trashy novels. Print off those business manuals and eBooks that you’ve been meaning to read for simply ages and take those along instead.

You’ll also need to take along some electronic gadgets and wear real trendy shades to pull off the whole image, but let yourself daydream about your future lifestyle.

Ah, but if you want to achieve your dreams, you need to get educated, so here’s your ideal opportunity.

Think how righteous you’ll feel about doing it. 🙂

Kids off school and under your feet? Get them involved. They aren’t old enough to have complicated the issue yet, so may have just the right, fresh ideas about your business.

Put a scenario to them and see what solutions they come up with. Even if they’re crazy, you’ll get an insight into someone else’s thinking. Customers are other people too!

Remember, you’ll be teaching a solid work ethic to a future generation and giving your kids opportunities they otherwise wouldn’t have had: both financial and educational. If you don’t believe me, go watch “Erin Brockovich” (again).

Those New Years Resolutions you didn’t implement yet …

Now’s a good time to review and ACTION them.

Tinker with your website and sales letter or give it a complete overhaul to make it more effective. If you are getting less client interruptions, then you should be able to concentrate on this now so that it makes compensating extra sales when you re-launch in the Fall.

Have a Summer sale on some low-ticket items, but be sure to take email addresses. These folks can be followed up on in September when you have your new campaign ready. After all, you’ll know they have working credit cards.

Just don’t slacken because you think/were told everyone does. Those who do are most likely the 95% who will still be saying *it* doesn’t work and they aren’t making money.

Invest your time NOW in your future and you will probably be able to put your feet up next year. Then again, when you’re successful, you probably won’t want to!

Copyright 2003 Pamela Heywood
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