Thursday, September 19, 2024

Don’t Let Your Comments Hold Your Staff Back

Sometimes, your best-intentioned comments can prevent employees from trying new skills, resolving conflicts and solving problems. To build staff members’ self-reliance, follow these guidelines:

. Don’t offer “the solution” to a problem. Avoid advice that starts with “If I were you” that restricts employees’ development and forces them to depend on you. Better: Make staffers work to find solutions. Tell them: “That’s a tough problem. Why don’t you come up with some options, and we’ll discuss them?”

. Don’t hijack conversations. When an employee comes to you with a problem, do you say “That reminds me of the time?” Better: Retire your war stories and ask probing questions to get to the heart of the staff member’s dilemma. Examples: “When did you first discover the problem?” “How do you want to handle it?”

. Don’t downplay their concerns. When employees are worried or upset, don’t offer dismissive reassurances such as “Don’t worry about it” or “You’re making too much of the situation.” Better: Show employees that you understand their concerns, and try to ease their minds by showing them the “bigger picture.” Example: “John, I know you’re worried that sales are down. But we traditionally have a minor slump toward the end of summer.”

Kathleen OConnor is the owner of the OConnor Success System which provides professional growth programs for managers and entrepreneurs. To access our free resources, visit our website at You can sign up there for your free 4-part mini-course on communication skills and a free subscription to our monthly e-zine, The Edge.

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