Monday, October 28, 2024

Domain Name Basics

Domain name is like your office name on the internet.It is your online identity.You have full rights on your domain name once it was registered under your name with that particular TLD.(See below)

Structure of domain name

Each domain name two parts seperated by a dot.First part contains the name you have choosen for your website.Second part contains the ‘domain-extention’ which is general to others also.

In the above domain name, ‘yoursite’ is the first part that is specific to your website.’.com’ is the extention of the domain.This ‘.com’ is called as ‘TLD'(Top Level Domain)

What is TLD?

TLD’s are the top level in the hierarchy of the domain name system. There are three types of TLD’s.


  • These are ‘generic TLD’s.This means, these extentions are open to general public.
  • Examples are .com, .net, .org, .info
    • .com: Commercial sites
    • .net: Network businesses
    • .org: Organisations
    • .info: Informational sites


  • To register these TLD’s you should met with certain criteria.These are not available to any one.
  • Examples are .gov, .edu, .biz
    • .gov: Government organizations
    • .edu: Educational institutes
    • .biz: Business communities


  • TLDs with country codes.Specific to websites particularly dedicated to that country.
  • Examples are .us, .ca, .uk, .jp etc
    • .us: United States
    • .ca: Canada
    • .uk: United Kingdom
    • .jp: Japan

Where to register?How much it costs?

Once you have decided your domain name, you should register it.

This registration process, policies, charges are different for different TLDs.For examples ‘.com’ sites can be registered for $8 to $35 per year.Here are few registrars who register your domain name for $8-10.

  • :$8.95 per year
  • :$8.97 per year
  • :$9.95 per year
  • :$9.99 per year
  • (Check them before you use these is no way related to these services.)

    You can register your domain name for any years you want.If you register in bulk, the charge will be little less when compared to registering one domain.

    What can I do with my domain?

    1.You can build a website with your products and services.For most of the people this is the goal for registering a domain name.

    2.Transfering your domains:If you find a good registrar or good web host, you can always transfer your domains to them.

    3.Renewal of your domain:If you registered it for certain period, don’t forget to renew it just before it expires.If you forget that somebody can register it and enjoy the benefits of your hard work and time that you put through the business in all these days.

    4.You can sell your domain if you no longer need it. Or you can do this registering and selling process as a business.

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