Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Does your business need a toll free number?

There are several types of businesses on the market… from the traditional brick and mortar, to the dot coms. But does your business really need a toll free number? That depends on a number of factors, such as:

Do you only market your business to local customers, clients, or businesses? Is most of your business done on an international scale versus a national scale? Do you have an online business that leaves little room for personal contact? Are your products special orders, in which others have to give specific instructions? Do you have a business, where you are constantly on the go and away from the office? Do you have employees that do a lot of traveling and call you collect or using a calling card? To answer these questions, let’s take them one by one. If you only market your business locally, and you do not have any intentions of marketing it nationally or internationally, you do not need a toll free number.

If your business is mostly done via international avenues, you may want to think twice about the cost involved in having a toll free number. For instance, if you are based within the US, and the majority of your clientele comes from overseas, a toll free number can become very costly. However, if you are based with the United States, and you have mixed clientele, both internationally and nationally, it may be advantageous to get a toll free number. In fact, some companies have the option of blocking certain phone numbers and locations from using your toll free number (such as Kall 8).

If you have an online business, it’s a good idea to get a toll free number. Having a toll free number can make or break a sale.

Often, customers have questions and concerns about ordering your product and service and having a toll free number eases their minds, while making you look more professional.

Not having a toll free number doesn’t mean that you will lose that sale, as the customer or client can just as easily email you. However, human beings are naturally inclined to do business with someone they know, versus someone they don’t. Being able to hear your voice allows potential customers to get a feel for who you are, and in the process, develop a sense of security and trust in both you and your business.

Do you have a business that requires more contact with your clients? Say to customize a product or service, based on your client’s needs? Speaking to that client one-on-one leaves little room for mistakes and misinterpretations.

Do you have a business where you are constantly away from the desk? Having a cell phone is a great idea to stay in touch with your clients, but what if most of your clients are out of state? Having a forwardable toll free number directed to your cell phone means that you never lose another business call.

If you have employees, such as salespeople, do they call you collect or use a calling card? What happens when those calling cards run out or they don’t have any change? They have to check in by calling collect, don’t they? Over time, having a toll free number can save your company big bucks.

If you decide that a toll free number is best for your business, there are several options you can choose:

Order a T-1 line from your local phone company — you have to have a traditional brick and mortar business for this and it can be very costly.

Order a “Stand Alone” Toll Free Number — you can use your “fixed” phone line and have a toll free number forwarded or redirected to that number. Your clients and customers never have to know that you did this.

Order a “Forwardable” Toll Free Number — you can have your toll free number moved as often as you like. Forward it to your home phone, office phone, cell phone, hotel room, or wherever else you may be. This is the ultimate option for home businesses and businesses on the go.

The most important thing to remember, is that every business can use a little help. If you feel that a toll free number can help your business, order one today.

Make sure that the toll free number you order is one that you like, as you will be putting that number on all your business and promotional materials, as well as your website. (This really refers to Vanity numbers, like 1800 CALL ATT.)

And finally, make sure that you can squeeze that number into your business budget.

2002 Alyice Edrich

Alyice Edrich is the author of several work from home e-books, and
the editor-in-chief of a national publication for BUSY parents.
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