Thursday, September 19, 2024

Do You Really Want a Job?

It is always amazing to watch recent graduates, both high school and college, as they enter the real business world. Almost without fail, they are ill prepared for the rigors of a successful job search. Sometimes it seems as if they really don’t want to find a job.

While many schools offer coaching on the basics of interviewing for a job, the number of students who take advantage of this resource is minimal.

You will find the tips below helpful as you enter the corporate world. Most of these suggestions are merely common sense and have been around as long as jobs have existed. Don’t let yourself fall into the majority of applicants who just don’t follow these simple rules:

1. Be 15 minutes early for your appointment. If this means leaving an hour early to make sure that you can find the building, a parking space, and be fifteen minutes early for your appointment, so be it. You can always use an online resource like or to get directions.

2. Dress up for your interview. While this seems like a no brainer, a large percentage of applicants fail to wear a suit (including a tie for men) to interviews, both professional and technical. Don’t make this mistake – you have one opportunity to make a good first impression!

3. Have a current resume with you. Don’t stumble around with dates, names, etc. Have several copies of your current resume. Create a cheat sheet to carry with you that has dates and facts of importance in a chronological order i.e., jobs, bosses, references, phone numbers & educational information. Even if you know you will have to fill out an application, bring your resume with you anyway.

4. Research the company you are applying to. It’s easy to research almost any company or organization on the Internet. Take the time to acquaint yourself with as much information as possible on your prospective employer. During the interview, your unexpected knowledge about the organization may set you apart from other applicants.

5. Think before you speak. Don’t be in a rush to answer questions; it’s all right to pause a moment to gather your thoughts before you reply.

6. Practice interviewing with a friend. Get a friend or friends to act as a prospective interviewer to help you gain confidence and skill. You will find that completing a successful interview is an acquired talent.

Like everything else that you will encounter in your business career, the more experience you gain while searching for a job, the better you will become at the task.

2003 ODEC

Mike Burstein has been helping the SOHO and Small Business community grow & prosper for over 20 years by solving start up problems, creating best practices, automating their offices, getting free publicity and dramatically increasing traffic and sales.

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