Friday, September 20, 2024

Do You Need a Mentor?

When it comes to business, I am a “do-it-yourselfer”. I trust my own instincts, create my own breaks, do my own work.

But I have learned that sometimes it pays to listen to someone else–especially when it comes to creating an online business.

To give you my perspective, let me share with you how I got online.

Mr. Peabody, set the way-back machine for 1999, in the little town of Williamsburg, Kentucky.

I had an off line business. After trying my hand at a clinical counseling practice after college (which I found I didn’t like), I had started working in the field of professional sales training, motivational speaking and marketing consulting for businesses. While I enjoyed many of the things I was doing, I didn’t enjoy the travel.

Looking at my options, it seemed to me that taking my consulting business “online” would allow me more time at home and would increase my income.

So I set up a website. Built it myself. It did exactly ZERO dollars in business it’s first six months. ZERO.

It didn’t make sense to me. I had started successful businesses before. I had helped others start and market their businesses. To say the least, I was discouraged.

That’s when I got a mentor.

I was searching the net for ways to increase traffic to my site. I came across a site offering an online outline of starting a business. It was short and I read through the several pages, visiting the links the site recommended.

One of the links was to the Internet Marketing Center, owned by Corey Rudl and featuring his workbooks “The Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the Internet.”

When I got to Corey’s site, I was sold.

Here was a site which put to work everything I had told others to do off line for years–the sales copy was good, the close was excellent. Everything “fit”.

While I wasn’t sure what “secrets” he would share, I knew that he–or at least someone in his company–had a good idea of how to write marketing materials. I dropped the few bucks for his course.

I devoured the materials the first day I received them, writing down ideas as I went. I then went and immediately implemented a few. Boom!, that week my site made over $400– more in that one week than in the previous six months.

While it is difficult to estimate how much money reading through Corey’s stuff has made me, I know I have made at least $10,000 I would not have made otherwise, plus I have saved hundreds of hours in time.

Having Corey as a “mentor” has obviously paid off time and time again.

Maybe you, like me, take pride in being a “do-it-yourselfer”. That’s great. Just keep in mind that sometimes a little bit of the right information and the right tools can make all the difference in the world.

Kevin Bidwell is owner of

Kevin just finished a complete report on building a passive
income. Grab your copy here:

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