Sunday, October 6, 2024

Do You Have A Problem?

Here is a visualization technique that might help you solve it. For three days, take fifteen minutes a day, three times a day, to relax.

TIP : If you can’t do it three times a day, do it twice, if you can’t do it twice, do it once. If you can’t do it for fifteen minutes, do it for ten. If you can’t do it for ten, do it for five. The goal is to just do it, and be consistent. If your time is severely limited, you may have to do it more than three days. Three times a day for fifteen minutes is preferable.

Visualize a solid brick wall. This solid brick wall is full of everything that has to do with your problem. You cannot get over it, you cannot get under it, you cannot go through it. What can you do?

Somehow — in your mind, where all things are possible — you were able to get your foot through it. Visualize that. Your foot didn’t realize it couldn’t go through, but the rest of you did. So, now your foot is through it, but the rest of you is stuck. This symbolizes the problem. You are stuck.

Start from there each time and slowly work your whole body through the wall. As you do, feel how your body would feel as it makes itself invincible. Make sure you make the brick wall very thick, the challenge for your mind to get your body through it strong.

When you can get your body through it in your mind enough times, your brain will get through the problem also. When you are done, you will feel very successful. You have to see *you* getting through the problem before you can get through it, especially if it is a tough one. Once your brain *sees* that the problem is solved, it will be much easier to actually solve.

See how you feel now, compared to before, when it USED to feel like solving problems was a big obstacle. Good luck!

Copyright 2003, Jan Tincher, All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Jan Tincher, Master Neuro-Linguistic Programmer
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