Friday, September 20, 2024

Discovery Nearing Launch Date

The space shuttle’s return to flight date has not changed, as Hurricane Dennis avoided central Florida and moved up the Gulf of Mexico.

Only a couple of days remain until the STS-114 mission lifts off from Cape Canaveral in Florida. Mission commander Eileen Collins and six other astronauts will take part in the first space shuttle mission since February 2003.

The crew will deliver supplies to the International Space Station, and conduct a number of safety tests to test in-orbit repair procedures developed by NASA engineers. One will be the installation of the Orbital Boom Sensor System, a camera and laser that will be used to inspect the shuttle for damage.

Those tests will go along with numerous changes to the shuttle made in response to recommendations from an independent review group. Among the changes made was a redesigned external fuel tank, and the design of a electric heaters to replace insulating foam. A chunk of foam crashing into Columbia’s wing on lift off was blamed for the ensuing reentry breakup of the shuttle.

After delivering several tons of supplies to the space station, the astronauts will install a couple of items, an External Stowage Platform and the Control Moment Gyroscope, on the station. This is the 17th US flight to the space station.

Currently, weather could still be a factor affecting the scheduled launch, with a 30 percent chance the Wednesday launch could be scrubbed. Forecasts for the remainder of the week have a slightly higher chance of delaying the mission, so the launch date could be pushed into the weekend or possible next week.

David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business. Email him here.

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