Thursday, September 19, 2024

Details on MSN’s adCenter Paid Search Ads

Yesterday, Threadwatch member cornwall reported on the upcoming paid search program from MSN Search called adCenter.

Since then, we’ve started seeing reports all over the web and i’d like to start putting some of those links together in one place.

First up is Danny Sullivan with a SearchDay article on MSN adCenter where reporting the small amount of facts know to us, he also mentions the impact on Yahoo and Google:

Advertisers are not going to flock to MSN and abandon the other two, because the only way on the sizeable networks the other two operate is to stay with them. They have non-duplicated pages views.

Instead, MSN is going to be the new third program most everyone will likely feel it’s essential to enroll in. That was certainly the case when I asked a room of about 400 people at SES New York earlier this month what they’d do if MSN launched its own program, as was rumored during the show to be coming. Virtually everyone said they’d sign up. And virtually everyone said they’d stay with the other two, as well.

Charlene Li also posted thoughts on adCenter and screenshots you see here. Having managed to get a preview of the new program she said…

A key component of the service is the ability to look at audience profiles for specific keywords. In the first screenshot, you can see gender, age group, and lifestyle segment for the keyword “bmw”. This allows an advertiser to target their ad more finely to that audience. It does NOT mean that advertisers will be able to target their ads only to men between the ages of 26-40 – that type of functionality is still far, far in the distance.

Nick Wilson is the publisher and founder of

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