Friday, September 20, 2024

Design Your Online Success

Website design has always been a fascinating area for me — not entirely in the realm of graphics but also of flow, navigation, appearance, and content. I love to surf the web almost exclusively to learn about different feels and flavors. In the process of doing so, it amazes me to see how some sites appear smooth, professional, and refined, while others smack of being put together horrendously quick — even when the company is reputably of high quality.

But website design is, in itself, a powerful marketing process. Many tend to forget that people make UPAs (unconscious paralleled assumptions) — in general and especially in business. In other words, when they visit a website they will unconsciously assume that a parallel exists between the website’s design and the business behind it — not to mention the products or services it promotes. So, if the design is poor, unprofessional, or unclear, people will unconsciously assume that the product or company is just the same.

Regard for the human inclination to “judge books by their covers” is of utmost importance on the web, for the appearance of your site (that thing that appears on a person’s computer monitor) is the only thing that separates you from your customer and thus is representative of the whole. Therefore, your site can either emphasize, support, or contradict your marketing message — and do so almost effortlessly, even inconspicuously, and sometimes dramatically.

A large airline company recently conducted a survey among its passengers in order to perform some marketing research. The following question was asked: “If your food trays were dirty, would you assume that the airline also does poor maintenance on its engines?” And the answer was, as illogical as it sounds, “yes” for an overwhelming majority of participants.

In the “The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing,” marketing gurus Al Ries and Jack Trout made what I believe to be the most powerful notion ever conceived in the world of business, in that marketing is not a battle of products but a battle of perceptions. My mentor used to say that “perceived truth is more powerful than truth itself.” Marketing is all about perception.

A website design can often project greater perceived value. If you place your website side-by-side with a competitor, and both of you offer the same product in the same way at the same price, the company that will win the customer over will be the one that, through its design, communicates to the customer that there is an implied added value in their choice.

In my seminars, I talk about the ketchup principle. Let’s say you’ve just met a salesperson. He is dressed absolutely impeccably, gave a compelling spiel, is knowledgeable about his product, was thoroughly interested in your needs and conducted a perfect meeting with you. But throughout the encounter, you couldn’t help but notice that he had a little ketchup stain on his tie. Now, if I were to ask you two weeks later what you remember the most about your meeting, the first thing that would pop into mind will likely be

The ketchup stain!

As the old saying goes, “You never get a second chance to make a good first impression!” This applies even to the simplest of things. On the Internet, it includes your site’s design and the image it projects. Therefore, pay close attention to your website’s overall appearance, its appeal, its colors, its layout, its ease-of-navigation, and most important its content.

Michel Fortin is a direct response copywriter and consultant dedicated to turning sales messages into powerful magnets. Get a free copy of his book, “The 10 Commandments of Power Positioning,” when you subscribe to his free monthly ezine, “The Profit Pill.” See now!

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