Friday, September 20, 2024

Delusional Sunshine of the Iraqless Mind

In case you didn’t know, Saddam Hussein’s nuts. Hiding in holes and spending time in prison hasn’t helped his view of reality much, either. According to GQ magazine, Hussein believes he’s still the president of Iraq and will return to power soon.

Delusional Sunshine of the Iraqless Mind “I’ll show you all around my country,” he said to members of the Pennsylvania National Guard who have him in custody while he awaited trial in Baghdad. “You are like sons to me. It’s not beautiful now, but it will be when I’m back in charge.”

Apparently, his captors have been kind to him while he awaits trial. After getting clearance from superiors the guards revealed the details of their experience with Hussein to GQ. Turns out, Saddam’s a fan of junk food, like Cheetos and Doritos, and raisin bran. Fruit Loops met severe disregard however.

The prisoner is somewhat demanding, requiring juice or milk, or other beverages to be at room temperatures. Guards said he was obsessive about germs and cleanliness, constantly washing his hands and wiping plates and utensils with baby wipes before eating.

“He had germophobia, or whatever you call it,” said Specialist Jesse Dawson, 25.

Hussein spoke often with his guards, knowing them by name and giving them advice on women and life. Specialist Sean O’Shea was advised to find a woman who was “not to smart, not too dumb, not too old, not too young.”

Hussein repeatedly denied having any relationship with Osama Bin Ladin and claims that President Bush knew he didn’t have any weapons of mass destruction.

He expressed admiration of President Ronald Reagan and said that President Clinton was “okay.” As for the Bushes, he didn’t seem to like them, calling them “no good.” Maybe he’s not so crazy.

Scratch that, Hussein also stated that he’d like to be “friends” with President Bush and hoped the two could resolve their difference once Hussein was acquitted and his position was restored. Interesting world he lives in.

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