Thursday, September 19, 2024

Decision Support Systems for Your Business

Many companies in developing countries have a very detailed reporting system going down to the level of a single product, a single supplier, a single day.

However, these reports – which are normally provided to the General Manager – should not, in my view, be used by them at all. They are too detailed and, thus, tend to obscure the true picture. A General Manager must have a bird’s eye view of his company. He must be alerted to unusual happenings, disturbing financial data and other irregularities.

As things stand now, the following phenomena could happen:

That the management will highly leverage the company by assuming excessive debts burdening the cash flow of the company and / or

That a false Profit and Loss (PNL) picture will emerge – both on the single product level – and generally. This could lead to wrong decision making, based on wrong data.

That the company will pay excessive taxes on its earnings and / or

That the inventory will not be fully controlled and appraised centrally and / or

That the wrong cash flow picture will distort the decisions of the management and lead to wrong (even to dangerous) decisions.

To assist in overcoming the above, there are four levels of reporting and flows of data which every company should institute:

The first level is the annual budget of the company which is really a business plan. The budget allocates amounts of money to every activity and / or department of the firm.

As time passes, the actual expenditures are compared to the budget in a feedback loop. During the year, or at the end of the fiscal year, the firm generates its financial statements: the income statement, the balance sheet, the cash flow statement.

Put together, these four documents are the formal edifice of the firm’s finances. However, they can not serve as day to day guides to the General Manager.

The second tier of financial audit and control is when the finance department (equipped with proper software – Solomon IV is the most widely used in the West) is able to produce pro forma financial statements monthly.

These financial statements, however inaccurate, provide a better sense of the dynamics of the operation and should be constructed on the basis of Western accounting principles (GAAP and FASBs, or IAS).

But the Manager should be able to open this computer daily and receive two kinds of data, fully updated and fully integrated:

  • Daily financial statements;
  • Daily ratios report.
  • The daily financial statements
  • The Manager should have access to continuously updated statements of income, cash flow, and a balance sheet. The most important statement is that of the cash flow. The manager should be able to know, at each and every stage, what his real cash situation is – as opposed to the theoretical cash situation which includes accounts payable and account receivable in the form of expenses and income.

    These pro forma financial statements should include all the future flows of money – whether invoiced or not. This way, the Manager will be able to type a future date into his computer and get the financial reports and statements relating to that date.

    In other words, the Manager will not be able to see only a present situation of his company, but its future situation, fully analysed and fully updated.

    Using today’s technology – a wireless-connected laptop – managers are able to access all these data from anywhere in the world, from home, while traveling, and so on.

    The daily ratios report

    This is the most important part of the decision support system.

    It enables the Manager to instantly analyse dozens of important aspects of the functioning of his company. It allows him to compare the behaviour of these parameters to historical data and to simulate the future functioning of his company under different scenarios.

    It also allows him to compare the performance of his company to the performance of his competitors, other firms in his branch and to the overall performance of the industry that he is operating in.

    The Manager can review these financial and production ratios. Where there is a strong deviation from historical patterns, or where the ratios warn about problems in the future – management intervention may be required.

    Instead of sifting through mountains of documents, the Manager will only have to look at four computer screens in the morning, spot the alerts, read the explanations offered by the software, check what is happening and better prepare himself for the future.

    Examples of the ratios to be included in the decision system

    SUE measure – deviation of actual profits from expected profits;

    ROE – the return on the adjusted equity capital;

    Debt to equity ratios;

    ROA – the return on the assets;

    The financial average;

    ROS – the profit margin on the sales;

    ATO – asset turnover, how efficiently assets are used;

    Tax burden and interest burden ratios;

    Compounded leverage;

    Sales to fixed assets ratios;

    Inventory turnover ratios;

    Days receivable and days payable;

    Current ratio, quick ratio, interest coverage ratio and other

    liquidity and coverage ratios;

    Valuation price ratios;

    and many others.

    The effects of using a decision system

    A decision system has great impact on the profits of the company. It forces the management to rationalize the depreciation, inventory and inflation policies. It warns the management against impending crises and problems in the company. It specially helps in following areas:

    The management knows exactly how much credit it could take, for how long (for which maturities) and in which interest rate. It has been proven that without proper feedback, managers tend to take too much credit and burden the cash flow of their companies.

    A decision system allows for careful financial planning and tax planning. Profits go up, non cash outlays are controlled, tax liabilities are minimized and cash flows are maintained positive throughout. As a result of all the above effects the value of the company grows and its shares appreciate. The decision system is an integral part of financial management in the West. It is completely compatible with western accounting methods and derives all the data that it needs from information extant in the company. So, the establishment of a decision system does not hinder the functioning of the company in any way and does not interfere with the authority and functioning of the financial department.

    Decision Support Systems cost as little as 20,000 USD (all included: software, hardware, and training). They are one of the best investments that a firm can make.

    Sam Vaknin ( ) is the author of Malignant
    Self Love – Narcissism Revisited and After the Rain – How the West
    Lost the East. He served as a columnist for Central Europe Review,
    PopMatters, Bellaonline, and eBookWeb, a United Press International
    (UPI) Senior Business Correspondent, and the editor of mental health
    and Central East Europe categories in The Open Directory and

    Until recently, he served as the Economic Advisor to the Government
    of Macedonia.

    Visit Sam’s Web site at

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