Thursday, September 19, 2024

Dear Google: A Blogger Wish List

Dear Blogger, I have tried to find ways to switch from Blogger to another publishing system, but there are problems I’d like to avoid.

So I figured I could try influencing you to improve Blogger instead. There are many things I’m satisfied with, you know. It’s a stable system. It’s easy to customize the look. It’s neat to have you publish files on my own server.

But why not continue to develop? I’d for one would be willing to pay a reasonable monthly fee if money is the problem for you.

This is what I want:

  1. Categories — it’s standard in almost every other blog publishing system. Now that categories automate Technorati tagging too, I really need them.
  2. An integrated TrackBack function — it’s an extra burden to do it manually, and I often skip that part I’m afraid. Give me Pingback too while you’re at it. You don’t have to be embarrassed that you didn’t invent it. Who cares?
  3. Comments that are as customizable as the rest of the templates. And please stop asking people to sign up for a Blogger account as your default option. It makes many choose not to comment (I use Haloscan instead).

Basically that’s all. But I would be glad if you surprised me and gave me something I didn’t know I wanted.

I’m sure that many of your other users would be glad to help you out. Who knows, maybe we can start a “Blogger Wish List” meme that would catch your attention.

Yours truly

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Fredrik Wacka is the author and founder of the popular CorporateBlogging.Info blog which is a guide to business and corporate blogging.

Visit Fredrik Wacka’s blog: CorporateBlogging.Info.

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