Thursday, September 19, 2024

Dan Thies Answers 1

I’ve had a lot of success with most of the search engines, but my manual submissions to Alta Vista are not getting posted. I am not spamming and have followed all the rules. Any ideas?

Kelly O’Connor

AltaVista is *incredibly* slow at crawling the web, and even slower about manual submissions. The only guaranteed solution is AltaVista’s paid inclusion program.

You can improve the odds of free inclusion by getting more sites to link to yours, especially links to the pages you want included and other “deep” content. If the submitted pages can’t be found by crawling from your home page, they may never get in.

Your question doesn’t clearly state whether these pages are on your site at If they are, part of the problem might be the way your site is linked together. You don’t have any text on the first page, and the first link is to a Flash interface. It’s just a thought, but making the HTML link first might help a bit, as would using a robots.txt file to keep search engine spiders off of the Flash portion of the site. Only FAST/AllTheWeb is really doing a good job of indexing Flash, and it’s not perfect. You’re better off making sure they find the HTML version.

Dan Thies is a well-known writer and teacher on search engine marketing. He offers consulting, training, and coaching for webmasters, business owners, SEO/SEM consultants, and other marketing professionals through his company, SEO Research Labs. His next online class will be a link building clinic beginning March 22

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