Thursday, September 19, 2024

Damashi Peer Review – Only Keep What’s Relevant

I always try to find a positive in every site…and I think DAMASHI has a good start with solid, to-the-point content and a interesting product concept. Here are my suggestions to improve this good site:

  • Determine a realistic budget to enhance your site.
  • The bottom menu bar appears off my screen at 1024 x 768 resolution — most viewers are viewing 800 x 600 or 1024 x 768 – That said I don’t like a bottom menu bar at all, unless it’s locked by a frame. I would suggest a design for the top that will create a positive energy, make the site easy to navigate, and offer buttons for all choices.
  • Less is more, take out all content that doesn’t help procure a sale. Try to keep your buttons to 6 or less main categories and follow suit from there. The viewer should follow a predetermined path towards a buying process. This starts out (usually) in this order:
    • Attract, (home page design),
    • Intrigue (home page message)
    • Inform (body content)
    • Call to ACTION (links at critical points of site to a buying action.
  • The graphics are less than compelling…I would suggest you find a good design firm to create a new home page theme/design.
  • Make ONE short clear benefit on your home page. Multiple text statements, pictures and BOLDED headers just confuse the viewer and make them want to leave.
  • Hire a SEO (Search Engine Optimization) company. This will greatly help your traffic. To start include keywords in your body copy…if you don’t want to junk up your home page with keywords create a landing page to do this with a enter button. You can see a sample here
  • Your text can be made easier to read if you narrow the margins…more like a column. People can skim and read faster if the lines are shorter…and over 78% of web viewers skim text rather than read.

Make “power statements” at key points by bolding compelling thoughts or “points”.That should be enough to get you started! If you would like to discuss other options and ideas feel free to contact me at

Scott C Margenau, President

Peer reviewers volunteer their time and effort to help other site owners with their websites. Please take time to visit this reviewer’s site and say that you think what they’re doing is valuable to the web business community. If you’d like your site reviewed, send an email to

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