Thursday, September 19, 2024

DailyMotion Makes Deal With RDF USA

DailyMotion just sealed a deal with RDF USA, and although you might not be familiar with either of these companies, they’re both pretty big in their own way – DailyMotion received 37.6 million unique visitors in June, and RDF, well . . . RDF produces “Shaq’s Big Challenge.”

Now, “The nonexclusive first-look deal calls for RDF to deliver eight program concepts for shortform video programming to DailyMotion during the next 12 months,” according to Andrew Wallenstein.  “The company is exploring possibilities in comedy, drama and even political fare; brand integration also likely will be in the mix.”

Admittedly, some of this doesn’t sound too groundbreaking – just eight “concepts” in one year, and all of them “non-exclusive.”  But as DailyMotion works to establish a presence in the U.S. – most of those visitors mentioned earlier are probably from France, since that’s where DailyMotion is based – the arrangement does indeed represent something of a breakthrough.

Wallenstein wrote, “It is one of the first such pacts DailyMotion has made as it seeks to supplement its massive stash of user-generated content.”

The site shows no signs of slowing down – just this week, DailyMotion has announced the winners of its “Great Sketch Comedy Showdown” competition, and launched a (“Star Wars”) “Ultimate Fanboy Contest.”  And while I can’t entirely agree with his conclusion, Search Engine Journal’s Arnold Zafra analyzed the situation and wrote, “Looks like YouTube has finally met its match . . .”

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