Thursday, September 19, 2024

Customers, we want it ALL dont we?

It is the information age. We’ve never had so much access to so much information (and services) from the convenience of our own home, workplace and now even from public and mobile phones. As individual customers we are now used to having all that access and at anytime that suits us. It is supreme convenience and on our terms.

With that in mind, if businesses want to keep their existing customers and get new customers they will obviously need to cater directly to this unparalleled level of access and need. Whatever we sell or offer from our business websites, our customers are more demanding than ever before. They want even more and even better information and services with even more benefits. We need to meet that need if we want any chance of succeeding online.

One of the best things about a website, I think, is that it is “live”. A website is always available to anyone who accesses it, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. I can change anything on my website at a moments notice, day or night, and once I’ve saved the changes, everyone that views it will now see the new updated version. Isn’t that a great facility? A live document available anywhere anytime.

Bearing in mind this increased need for more and better information, why not use this immediate update facility to update your website more often with the very latest information or service?

The nature of business is such that it is constantly changing to reflect the ever-changing tastes and needs of its markets. So if the market is always changing then your website should therefore constantly change to reflect that, at least, often enough to keep pace with those changes.

Many websites simply aren’t updated enough. They remain unchanged for months, often years! You can change that and stand out from your competitors just by adopting a new proactive approach. This proactive approach will lead to a better website than with the traditionally adopted reactive approach of just changing a particular piece of information when you absolutely have to. All you need to do is act proactively rather than reactively to your customers changing needs. Update your site regularly and try to predict what your customers will need in the near future. Also, ask them what they want and then add it.

Change your site into a site where new information, ideas, offers, services are regularly introduced and tried and tested by your customers. If they work they stay, if they don’t they go. It wont take long for your website to become a far more dynamic and interesting place than it ever has been.

Once you’ve done it, your site will tend to become more visible on the internet because it works so well. Before you know it, it starts attracting potential customers relatively easily through recommendations and reviews from people who have already used it.

Well, what are you waiting for? Start updating your website right now and start getting all the benefits your website has to offer your business.

Good luck as always!

Peter Simmons is editor of the DYNAMIQ EZINE. GET MORE SALES FROM YOUR WEBSITE STARTING RIGHT NOW at or email me anytime to find out how i can help you at

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