Monday, September 16, 2024

CSPI Tries To Protect People From Soda

The federal government is being urged by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) to require warning labels on bottled and canned soda.

Today, Vice President of Public Affairs for the Center for Individual Freedom, Marshall Manson made a statement bashing the CSPI’s claims.

“This is nothing but another freedom-sucking proposal from CSPI. The nutrition nannies are at it again,” said the statement. “If CSPI had its way, the government would be regulating every aspect of what Americans eat and drink. We would have no choices at all because CSPI would have made them all for us.”

Manson went on to call CSPI’s agenda anti-choice and anti-freedom. He called the group “self-appointed babysitters” and said that we should be to eat and drink what we want without the government stepping in. Reuters writes:

People who overindulge in soft drinks are also more likely to develop diabetes and have decaying teeth, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) said in a petition to the Food and Drug Administration.

The warnings are especially necessary to help counter the growing number of youth who drink soda, said the center, which has previously put out reports publicizing the health-threatening qualities of other popular foods such as ice cream and movie popcorn.

The keyword is overindulge. While this may be easy to do, a little will power never hurt anybody. And of course there is always exercise, which many people overlook.

“Drinking soda doesn’t cause obesity. Eating and drinking too much of anything and exercising too little are the real causes of obesity,” said Manson. “CSPI seems to prefer that Americans eat a federally-mandated diet of lettuce, skinned apples, carrot sticks and soy milk.”

Chris is a staff writer for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest ebusiness news.

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