Thursday, September 19, 2024

CRM Software is Nice, But It’s No Rosie Jetson

CRM software has evolved into a helpful tool with broad use and appeal. But it’s no Rosie Jetson. Let me explain.

Those of you in your 30’s (or beyond) will no doubt remember Rosie Jetson. Those of you younger than 30 may only know Rosie from reruns on TV Land, if you know her at all.

Rosie was the wise-cracking robotic housekeeper of George Jetson and family (from the cartoon “The Jetsons”). She was completely automated and self-sufficient, requiring no human input whatsoever. Rosie did her job in spite of her human owners, not because of them.

By now you see where I’m going with this.

CRM software can certainly improve your customer relations program, but it cannot run the program entirely. Unlike Rosie Jetson, your CRM program needs human input and direction.

All too often, I see customer service, sales and marketing managers purchase CRM software with unreasonable expectations of what that software can do. They expect Rosie Jetson in a box. They are disappointed to find just another piece of software.

What CRM Software Can Do

  • Help you share communications between departments
  • Help you retain customers through better dialogue
  • Help you manage your customer relations program

What CRM Software Cannot Do

  • Run your CRM program for you
  • Make your customers happy
  • Show any form of initiative

Use CRM software for what it is — a helpful tool that can support your CRM program. Just don’t expect it to actually be a CRM program.

There will never be an automated replacement for the caring, proactive representative on the other end of the phone. Well, not until Rosie Jetson 2.0 comes along … but don’t hold your breath for that one.

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Brandon Cornett manages the Software Learning Center, a holy shrine for software geeks looking for independent software advice. Online at:

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