Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Creative-Weblogging: Ripoff Or Just Competition?

Jason Calacinis has been incensed over the existence of Creative-Weblogging for some time, and now he’s calling in the litigation airstrike.

Though significantly richer since the AOL acquisition of his blog network, Weblogs Inc, Calacinis is not happy. He posted recently at length about Creative-Weblogging, a Weblogs Inc lookalike network:

If you steal from someone it’s going to come out–especially amongst bloggers–and you’re going to look like a complete low-rent idiot when it does.

Well, an outfit called Creative-Weblogging has been ripping us off for over a year, and today I’m forced to put a stop to it.

These guys have been stealing our HTML code and design for over a year.
Look-and-feel claims could be tough to prove. The Apple case against Microsoft saw Apple lose its case, not to mention Xerox having its look-and-feel suit against Apple tossed on a technicality.

Creative-Weblogging has a Palo Alto office, but originated in and is based in Hamburg, Germany. The site’s mission statement simply says “Creative Weblogging serves great bloggers.”

Calacinis has written his disbelief that venture capital funding has found its way into the Creative-Weblogging coffers, and he posted comments that in themselves could be legally troublesome:

The ironic part about this is that these slime buckets raised their first round from two folks I’ve never heard of today. Whoever these loser investors are they should do some due diligence. You guys are investing in a bunch of worthless lies and cheats. Whatever money you gave them is probably embezzled right now. I mean, if you don’t have a problem stealing a persons IP why would you have a problem stealing someones cash?

David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business. Email him here.

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