Thursday, September 19, 2024

Create Your Own Blog Version of Twitter

It seems Automattic’s Matt Mullenweg and team have gotten the Twitter bug. In fact, they love the idea of micro-updates so much, they’ve launched a new WordPress theme that lets you create your own blog version of Twitter.

They’ve named it Prologue.

Here’s how it looks:

(click image for live demo)

Here’s how it works:

Basically how it works is when someone has the ability to post to a blog they see a short form at the top of the home page with a post box and tags. There they can post short messages about what they’re doing.

Below the posting box is a list of everyone’s latest tweet or message, with their Gravatar next to it. You can click on an author to see all their messages, or a tag to see all of the messages in a given tag (which we use for projects). There are RSS feeds for everything: the entire prologue, each author, each tag, and even combination or searches can be subscribed to in your RSS reader.

Just like any WordPress blog, you can decide on the contributors, set privacy options, and leave comments for each other.

Automattic just invented a new reason for everyone to grab a WordPress blog. My wheels are turning already–maybe we could have a Marketing Pilgrim Prologue, where readers add their own news. ;-)

How would you use Prologue?


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