Thursday, September 19, 2024

Create An Email That Gets Opened, Read And Responded To!

Your successful email marketing campaign is going to depend on three aspects of the selling process.

Who you are selling to; what you are selling; and how you are selling it.

In order for you to make money selling anything, you’ve got to know who you are selling to. You need to know what your prospects want.

Once you have analyzed what your prospects want, you’ll have a good idea of what to sell to them.

And in order to sell your products to those prospects, you’ll need to create an effective sales message that will convince those people that they ‘need’ your product and ‘can’t do without it’.

So how do you create such a sales message ?

The basic steps to follow are:

1. Use an attention grabbing ‘subject’ line.

The subject line in an email has to grab the prospects attention or arouse their curiosity. Create one that is benefit packed, informs the reader of a great benefit inside or reveals how to solve a problem. Your main goal is to simply get the email opened.

2. Personalize your message.

Whenever possible, try to make the recipient feel singled out, important and more open to viewing the rest of your sales message.

3. Remind them of who you are.

If you are sending a sales message to your prospect list for the first time, you must remind them of who you are and how you got their contact information. This should eliminate 99.9% chance of you getting accused of sending them sp*m. If you are sending a sales message to your customers, you can remind them of your recent transaction.

4. Use a benefit packed first line and/or paragraph.

Your subject line should be supported by a benefit packed first sentence or paragraph. Once you’ve gotten the recipient to open your email, keep the momentum going by telling him what he’ll get out of the message. You’ve only got a few seconds to get their attention and if you fail to do this, you’ll probably lose them.

5. Keep the message short.

Don’t go on for pages. A few short paragraphs, sometimes even one will do the trick. Keep your note short, to-the-point and packed with benefits. Just let the reader know ‘what’s in it for him’.

6. Tell them how to respond.

This is a very important part of your message, yet most people either forget to or choose not to do it. You have to tell the reader to take action and guide him through the entire process. Whatever you want the reader to do, don’t assume he’ll know what to do. Tell him what to do and how to do it.

There is no magic involved. Creating an effective email that gets your desired response is as easy as following the steps outlined above.

Dan Rollins shows webmasters how to tap into the incredible power of effective e-mail marketing. Find out everything about the best marketing technique available and get a fr*ee gift just for visiting his site today!

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