Friday, September 20, 2024

Crawford House Collectibles – Make Your Site More Like a Shop

1. Any sales oriented website homepage is a shop window, and yours doesn’t make you customer feel like pushing the door open. No logo to catch the eyes and to remember.

And the products, core of your business, are not in a position to be well seen and selected :

– they’re written in a small font
– they’re textual, and not visual (no icon, no image)
– they’re not linked to any content

2. When you “enter the shop”, you should either spot immediately what you’re looking for, or at least get attracted by one product or one product area. Instead, and despite the title “Store Directory”, you see only the guarantee policy or a proposal to order the catalog…This is necessary, but misplaced.

3. When you enter “Products”, you get a long list, and no summary. I suggest to build a real directory linked to by the “enter the shop” menu item. One page only, with one icon or image and headlines for every department (product area). And push the products details to each selected department.

4. Why don’t you change your backgroung color, and make it a little
more attractive ?

Hope this helps.
Good luck.
Le Mamelon Vert
Maison d’hotes / Guests house

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