Friday, September 20, 2024

Crawford House Collectibles – Is It In Stock?

Ouch. Where do I start…

1. Home page – ugly. The “Control Panel” uses a “techie” style that is so out of keeping with the product line its almost funny (but it ain’t!). Meanwhile the text is strictly html 101. The mottled background is both distracting and unappealing. A total disaster. No images. No specials. Nothing that would make me want to go another click further.

2. I click to enter the store and get a blurb offering me a catalog. Is this an e-commerce web site or an ad for their catalog? You can’t be both. When I click to enter a store I want to enter a store.

3. Next click – list of product links. Hard to read the text against that gawd-awful background. No images. What are they selling?

4. Click on a link. Finally, product. Nice image but no info beyond price and measurements. Where’s the copy?

5. Did a search on “vase” (the product I was just looking at) – returns zero results.

6. Click on promotions – no promotions. No good.

7. Added product to cart and was told product not available. Hey – tell me somethings not in stock before I put it in my cart. This sucks.

Overall – Horrid design (if you can even call what they have design), search terrible, no promotions or specials, poorly integrated backend (assuming it is integrated), no identify, nothing to tell me who this company is and what they sell. No personality. Even those who get their catalog are not going to know who they are without being told.

David R. Williams

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