Thursday, September 19, 2024

Courses, Sources and Resources

I often receive emails from people asking me where do I get my sources, statistics, news and information for my editorials in my newsletters. Some of these resources offer superb information as well as links to other pertinent sites — while I use them as editor these sites can be of tremendous help to any Internet marketer. So without further ado, here’s a partial list of the many sources and resources that I often visit:

The eCommerce Information Center is a site offering ecommerce statistics, analysis and market research. For example, do you need to get a handle on how many Internet users there are? How many websites are out there? The amount of online business activity? This site provides the answers.

The eComm Resource Center offers numerous resources — it provides a basic look at how to plan, build, manage and promote an ecommerce web site.

Dr. Ralph Wilson provides an incredible information-packed resource site on ecommerce and web marketing. Among others, his eCommerce Research Room is a must-visit. His ecommerce discussion forums are also quite helpful.

Jakob Nielsen is the web’s greatest pundit on web usability — an important component of successful web businesses. It’s a plain site (he practices what he preaches) but packed with very “usable” tips and information.

Find out what’s happening in the world of ecommerce with the eCommerce Times. Subscribe to their free weekly ezine — it’s always filled with the latest trends, news, interviews and issues that affect this dynamic environment.

The eCommerce Guide is part of’s growing library of useful Internet information. While is itself a must-bookmark, the guide provides everything you need to know about ecommerce, with a special section on marketing — see

The Center for Research in Electronic Commerce is packed with publications, news, links and resources. It was put together by the people at the University of Texas at Austin — a leading research institution in electronic commerce.

It’s a simple site but the Electronic Commerce Page is loaded with neat links to ecommerce-oriented sites, resources and information. A must-bookmark!

Need a merchant account? Looking for a good web host? In the market for a fulfillment company? eCommerce 101 offers tons of information selling online.

What do SSL, SET, VPN or ERP mean? See the Web Encyclopedia (or “Webopedia”) to find out about ecommerce-specific phrases, terminologies, words and acronyms — from digital wallets to “clicks-and-mortar.”

TechWeb News (at is probably the most insightful and comprehensive Internet news site. It’s ebusiness section, called “Planet IT,” is packed with specific information, articles and statistics on ebusiness.

Joan Sotkin’s The eCommerce Advisor ezine is always a super-read. Joan is a fabulous editor — her publication gives ebusiness webmasters the many do’s and dont’s of online business and ecommerce.

Want Internet or ecommerce stats? You got ’em! eReports from eMarketer offers a panoply of online statistics. For the most comprehensive research information on ecommerce, and the latest news in ctberspace, eLand is it.

On top of ebusiness implementation and ecommerce, I also teach marketing management. And the “Know This” virtual library has been a great academic resource for all these courses — a wealth of information for understanding the in’s and out’s of ecommerce, from writing a business plan to selling.

I love this site. An online magazine, ClickZ provides an insightful inside — and oftentimes unabashed — look at web advertising, electronic media and marketing. They also offer discussion forums, tutorials and more.

Michel Fortin is a direct response copywriter and consultant dedicated to turning sales messages into powerful magnets. Get a free copy of his book, “The 10 Commandments of Power Positioning,” when you subscribe to his free monthly ezine, “The Profit Pill.” See now!

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