Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Conversation With Robin Hopper Of iUpload

I honestly can’t remember if it was Tuesday or Wednesday of this week but I had a great conversation with Robin Hopper, the CEO of iUpload.

I don’t remember how I initially stumbled upon iUpload, it was either via Fergus at Nooked or via Renee Blodgett from down the ave. It doesn’t really matter now anyway, all that matters is I had one of the most inspiring conversations ever.

The converesation started off with a relaxed CEO and a not so relaxed Jason. I’m in Raleigh this week and that means 80 hour plus weeks of non-stop chaos and action. Since I’m only up here a week out of each month, I’m pulled into one meeting after another and in rather high demand. That makes it a bit difficult to get anything meaningful put on Marketing Shift since there’s literally no time to think. I thought having a 3 month old and a 2 year old was nuts but it pales in comparison to my Raleigh trips. Plus at home I have a secret weapon, my beautiful wife Shannon, to do the tough stuff with my girls. But I digress.

Robin wasn’t what I expected from a bright and talented CEO of a diamond-in-the-rough technology firm. He’s a good listener who thoroughly understands his iUpload service / application offerings but doesn’t get too excited about them unless the people he’s talking to about them share his enthusiasm. I think it’s like not throwing your pearls before swine. It was funny because as I learned more and more about iUpload and their offerings I felt an overwhelming sense of responsibility to get their message out. They’re literally doing things with blogs, CMS [content management systems] and translation services that are 3 years ahead of anything in the Valley right now. I’ll have to expand more on that later but for now you’ll just have to take my word for it. Robin’s team knows what they’re doing and any company lucky enough to cross paths with the iUpload will be part of something truly special and unique and poised for greatness in their vertical. No joke!

A Q & A session with Robin will follow on later but I encourage those of you interested in building a community around any subject or theme need to get in touch with iUpload. Their enterprise blogging application is taking many established companies like Cannondale, the Sierra Club and the Farm Bureau into the next generation of user / business relationships.

I’m about to step on a plane and head back to Florida so I doubt there will be any more posts today. Thank you so much Renee for putting Robin and I in touch with each other. I have now seen the light and it’s brighter than I ever could’ve imagined.

Jason Dowdell is a technology entrepreneur and operates the Marketing Shift blog.

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