Thursday, September 19, 2024

Consumers Put Vista On Hold

Since its launch on January 30th of this year, Windows Vista has been met with lukewarm fanfare by analysts and consumers alike. According to a Harris Interactive poll, only 12 percent of those who are aware of Vista actually plan to upgrade to the new operating system.

Consumers Put Vista On Hold

Consumers Put Vista On Hold

Consumers Put Vista On Hold

Harris Interactive has a sketchy track record as far as I’m concerned, but I’m more inclined to believe these figures regarding Vista as opposed to those the company published touting a video game addiction epidemic on the rise.

Delayed release, security issues, and compatibility concerns have plagued the latest offering from Microsoft since the software launched earlier this year, all of which have resulted in a general attitude of avoidance from consumers.

Here’s what Harris Interactive had to say about Vista’s adoption rate:

Now that Vista is available everywhere and nearly every potential buyer is aware of it, does that mean consumers are eager to buy new Vista systems or upgrade their existing systems? Well in December 2006, 20 percent of those online adults who are aware said they intended to upgrade to Vista within the coming year. The current survey results say that number has not really changed – 12 percent of online adults who are aware say they intended to upgrade.

Not only has the number “not really changed’ since December, it’s actually dropped according to the survey. Couple that decline with the growing sentiment toward Linux-based operating systems by PC manufacturers such as Dell, and you’ve got a situation that should concern the top brass at Microsoft.

Of course, the company does have an ace up its sleeve. Vista is the only Windows operating system that comes with DirectX 10 support. Graphic designers and avid gamers will find themselves with no other choice than to upgrade when developers begin implementing DX10 technology into new design software and gaming titles. 

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