Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Constant Communication = Higher Sale Conversion

Constant communication with current customers is the gold mine that many companies do not take advantage of. They do their sale and move on to find new customers. No … I will not stress on how important and easy it is to sell to your current customers compared to new ones, …. I guess I just did.

Anyway… let’s move on.

The point of this post is to explain how some companies achieve a 5 times higher conversion rate than their competitors with an in-house mailing list. You might say … well they’ve done better because their offer was more appealing. I’ll agree to that, but there is another huge factor that effects conversion from direct mail / e-mail and that would be the communication frequency. Doing it with your own blog (like Marriott does), mailing list, etc is crucial.

Constant contact my friend. This is what drives up that conversion rate. If your customers remember you (other than the times they see you charge their card), they will accept and actually read your marketing messages.

I am not suggesting the bombardment of your house list. Too much communication may result in a high opt-out rate. Try to find that fine line and work it.

From my experience in the business field … communicating with the list 3-4 times a month was the perfect strategy. Our current customers recognized our e-mails, and they did not treat our messages like junk mail.

There is no need to explain further the effectiveness of constant communication that companies should employ. You just have to test the frequency and your message to see a dramatic increase in your conversion rate.

Now go tell your clients that you Love em!


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