Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Closing More Sales – The New Age of Autoresponder Use

When Internet marketing was in its infancy, we all marveled at the ability of autoresponders to deliver information to our customers with lightning speed. Without any effort on our part, information was distributed to prospects at the click of a button. Then came “smart” autoresponders that could personalize emails and send repeated messages. Nothing could be better, right? My, how times have changed!

Today smart Internet marketers are finding that sales are becoming increasingly harder to close. They are looking for new tools to make their job of prospecting and closing sales easier and more effective. In all actuality, no new tools are needed. An autoresponder – provided you have it set up for maximum impact – can still do the job.

Let the Customer Choose

Instead of simply setting up your autoreponder to send a standardized series of messages, cater to your prospects’ specific needs. Offer your site visitors a “shopping cart” of information. They can pick and choose which topics/products they want to receive information about, then “order” them all at once by entering their email. This allows them to get the specific information they want or need without having to wade through tons of information they don’t need (thus speeding up the buying process!).

Start ‘Em In the Middle

Been emailing with a prospect? Spoken to them on the phone and understand their needs? Then why sign them up with your autoreponder service only to start the process all over again from the beginning? Instead, enter their name and trigger your autoresponder to start sending information beginning with the message that is applicable to that precise customer. even if it’s in the middle of your message series. Now you have an automated sales closer that can pick up where you left off without the prospect having to receive information that you’ve already discussed.

Use the Broadcast Feature To Save Time

When you have specials, sales, or time-sensitive information to distribute, set up a broadcast message and send it to everyone on your autoresponder list at once. This saves you time, and makes sure those who are in the decision-making process get the vital information they need.

Set Up Automatic Name Transfers

Another way to close more sales by using autoreponders is to keep your autoresponder list current. Why keep sending “buy now” messages to a prospect who just bought? Set up your autoreponder to automatically remove names from the “sales” list and enter them into the “new client” list. By doing so, you show you’re on top of your game, and you make sure your new clients get the right information.

As the ‘Net becomes more sophisticated. as Web surfers demand more customized solutions. as the world continues to get more and more busy. we, as effective salespeople, must keep pace. Making sure your autoresponders are working as hard as they can is one simple way to increase your closing rate. Take a few minutes this week to re-evaluate your autoresponders, their features, and their set up. By making a few quick changes, you could be paving the way to a higher closing rate!

Andrew Connor is a seasoned Internet marketer who has built his success using autoresponders. If your autoresponder doesn’t offer the features listed in this article, visit Andrew’s site at His autoresponders aren’t “smart,” they’re “brilliant!” You’ll be amazed at how easy, flexible, and affordable autoresponders can be – and at how effectively they can help you close more sales!

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