Thursday, September 19, 2024

Chug It!

Familiar with the term, “chug it?” My guess is that most of you probably are. But the product I’m suggesting you chug, is not the one you ususally associate with this term.

That’s right – I’m not suggesting you chug beer. I am suggesting, however, that you chug – are you ready…WATER!! Are you one of the many people like my friend Liz whose idea of water consumption is limited to that which accidentally enters her system in a pool, while showering or through the watering down of ice cubes in her vodka cocktail? If so, perhaps it’s time to look at the benefits of drinking water.

Did you know that Americans, on average, drink only eight measly ounces of water per day? The rest of the water the body needs must be extracted from other liquids or foods that we eat. And how much water do you think is extracted from a Big Mac? A small change makes a big difference when it comes to water. If you do a lot of travel by air, you can lose as much as two pounds of water in a three to four hour flight.

Stress, alcohol and caffeine all influence the amount of water and the speed in which your body loses it. Any of these factors, alone or in combination, could cause a small but critical shrinkage of the brain. This small shrinkage will impair neuromuscular coordination, decrease concentration, and slow the thinking process. Water is necessary for our body to operate efficiently. It is vital to the body in temperature regulation, nerve impulse conduction, circulation, metabolism, immune system, eliminative processes, sensory awareness, flushing toxins out of one’s system and perceptive thinking. And if these things are not functioning properly, a taxing stress occurs on the body. Can you see how very important it is that your body gets enough water?

So chug it. And do it often. You may have to increase the number of trips you make to the bathroom in any given day, but hey – that’s good too. That means you’llincrease your exercise – another stress-reducer!!

Molly Luffy, MBA, owner of Work Ethic Wizard, dedicated to helping managers regain their sanity and employees survive and thrive in todays corporation. Author of Super-Charge Your Promotion Quotient: 225 Success Strategies for the New Professional.

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