Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Chris Richardson Lives

And no, I don’t mean the American Idol Chris Richardson either (I was here first). I’ve been away since Valentine’s Day and the reason for that is because we (as in Murdok) have been putting some effort into our software download site, – and because I’m kinda proficient in these matters, I was asked lead the charge.

So before I digress away, I’d like to invite those of you looking for software applications to enhance your computing experience to drop by WebmasterFree and take a look at some of the software we have listed.

Speaking of the other Chris (from here on to be known as “OC”), from looking at the log files and I noticed we had some visitors apparently looking for OC and because WebProBlog is ranked on the first page for that particular term (Google+Search”>Chris Richardson not OC), some stragglers wound up here and probably left disappointed. Ah, the beauty of sharing a name with someone gaining popularity…

Another thing I’ve noticed since I’ve been associated with the OC is Google’s search results – you know the ones people complain about not adjusting to site changes quickly enough – have already been adjusted giving the Idol CR the number 1 search position for the Chris Richardson keyphrase (which has about 2,670,000 results associated with it)…

I guess that gives hope to those of you targeting a keyword or phrase that isn’t so ultra-competitive. If Google thinks your site is quality and it doesn’t employ any spam techniques, it will – in all likelihood – climb the search engine charts quite rapidly.

As for the Idol, I would wish my namesake luck, but I don’t even watch the show after try-outs are over…

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