Thursday, September 19, 2024

Choosing a Publicist? 7 Tips to Keep in Mind…

Thousands of new books, products and services flood the market each year.

Why wait to maximize your chances to be the one who consistently outsells others? An experienced publicist can help you get the word out in a professional, timely, cost-effective manner. Choose your publicist wisely, considering these qualities when you are interviewing them:

1. They give Attention to Detail – your publicist should read your book (some don’t!), review your brochures, try your products and review your website to learn everything they can about your products and services.

2. They are a Relationship Builder – they have a tried and true network and work diligently at following-up with their contacts and building or maintaining a rapport.

3. They exhibit Grace under Pressure – when dealing with rejection, their quick thinking leads to effective action with the next lead. This may involve re-pitching with another angle.

4. They are Creative and show Initiative – not waiting for directives, your publicist is ready to suggest and implement solutions and action at a moment’s notice if things need changing. They may find unusual and unique venues to publicize you.

5. They are a Good Listener – when pitching your book, product, or service they know what to say, when to say it, and when to listen carefully to discern the media’s needs. They also pay attention to the brand you are trying to encompass, the message you personally want to get across.

6. They show Versatility – your publicist can present your message in a variety of formats and to a variety of venues, making adjustments for each.

7. They Leave Behind their Ego – their true motivation is to serve their clients. Their job satisfaction is in getting them results. They wish to be only truly helpful.

Susan Valeri is a business and book publicist who gets clients in
front of their audience. Her company, V.A.S. & Associates, obtains
maximum visibility for their clients through personalized and
persistent contact with the media. V.A.S. offers 15 years experience
in the U.S. and Canadian book publicity market. Visit

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