Thursday, September 19, 2024

Checkmate for Microsoft?

I was checking out our new site which crawls articles from numerous blogs related to the search engine industry and links to them minutes after they are posted.

A headline caught my attention: M$ Playing Chess With Apple – Apple To Lose Again~ – Threadwatch. I’m not sure what that post has to do with search engines, but hell … we just beta launched SearchBrains Friday. Btw — In my humble opinion, it’s a very useful site if you like to follow search industry news.

That post then linked to an article in another blog: Microsoft’s Consumer Electronics Endgame

My point … it’s a great article and worth reading. It also reminds me of a thought I had the other day… the quality of blog posts is rising. At some point, one has to ask, what’s the difference between journalists who write for traditional publishers and bloggers who write (in many cases) just as professionally?

Here’s a snippet from the beginning of the article:

“Ever play a game of chess and your opponent makes a move and you realize the game is over? Nothing dramatic like taking your queen, just a simple strategic move where, after you look at it for a second you think “oh-oh,” and from that moment on you’re basically just looking for your opponent to make a mistake because otherwise they’re obviously going to win.

Well, I’ve been watching Microsoft’s moves over the past few weeks and I can pretty much say that it’s game over for a lot of Microsoft competitors, though they may not realize it yet. To me the decisive move was their MSN Video announcement which included deals with MTV as well as TiVo to make sure that TiVo To Go recordings play on Microsoft Mobile devices.

That’s when I saw the big picture: Microsoft’s DRM strategy and Windows Media WMA codec are going to allow them to have a massive advantage in the consumer electronics market, which includes everything from MP3 players, to mobile phones to your set-top box, to a host of other converged devices.”

Click to Continue reading the article.

murdok is the CEO of murdok which publishes over 200 websites and email newsletters.

Rich also publishes his blog WebProBlog which focuses on internet business and marketing trends.

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