Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Change Huddle Line-up

X Change is getting close, and I just wanted to post an update with some final speaker additions and I thought I’d also include the Huddle line-up.

We’ve rounded off the speaker list with some great final additions. Since my last post on X Change, we added Rand Schulman of Unica, Anil Batra (formerly of Zaaz) now of ZeroDash1, Clint Ivy from Visual Sciences and Judah Phillips from Reed.

Rand is something of a legend in web analytics – and, if you’ve met him, you’ll realize he’s perfect for the Huddle format. He’s going to be doing two Huddles: one on the Convergence of Online-Offline Marketing and another on Advertising vs. Direct Response Marketing. These should be a both a lot of fun AND really amazing.

Regular readers of my blog know that I had a fairly sharp run-in not too long ago with Anil Batra – over how seriously to take cookie deletion issues. I still think Anil was wrong on that one. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have lots of respect for his Blog, his work and his point-of-view. Anil is going to be huddling on Practical Approaches to Online Campaign Measurement and on Behavioral Targeting. Both topics are very germane to most of our clients and should be very interesting indeed.

Clint Ivy’s work is heavily focused on reporting – and helping people do a better and more sustainable job it. Clint read my original Huddle description (based on our conversation) and described it as too technobabbly – that’s Clint – he’s totally down to earth and I expect his Huddle to be similarly grounded in the real world. Here’s HIS topic description: “Uncovering the best practices for creating reports that work for you instead of reports that make you work. This huddle focuses on putting Excel to work. How can Excel be used to create informative, impactful and easily repeatable reports that empower the analyst to spend more time doing other parts of their jobs?”

Judah Phillips is the last of our final additions. He’s going to be huddling on “Deploying Measurement Systems across the Globally Distributed Enterprise,” which is both central for many of our clients and uniquely based on his real-world experience at Reed. I’m really looking forward to talking with Judah and sharing experiences at X Change.

Finally, Matt Belkin isn’t a new speaker but he’s added two Huddles to his list – which is almost as good. In addition to a Huddle on Increasing ROI with Advanced Visitor Segmentation (not just for Omniture folks – he says this won’t be tool focused), he’s going to be huddling on “Multi-channel Optimization: Effective integration of online and offline channels” and “Optimization: Shifting from Manual to Automatic Actions.” Very cool.

I could go on about X Change (okay I probably will again), but I figured the most useful thing would be just to post the current Huddle line-up. So if you are available and thinking about attending, take a look and see what you think – September 21st is fast approaching and this might be a good time to register!

X Change Huddles

Enterprise Topics


Advertising vs. Direct Response Marketing

Rand Schulman

Building cooperation between IT and marketing in large organizations

Phil Kemelor

Building Web Analytics Process

Eric Peterson

Convergence of Online-Offline Marketing

Rand Schulman

Deploying measurement systems across the globally distributed enterprise

Judah Phillips

Focusing senior management on the business value of web analytics

Phil Kemelor

Multi-Channel Optimization: Effective Integration of online and offline channels

Matt Belkin

Understanding Consumer Attitudes on the Web

Joseph Carrabis

Deep Dive Analytics


Advanced Visitor Segmentation

Matt Belkin

Behavioral Targeting

Anil Batra

Best Practices for Attitudinal Research on the Web

Duff Anderson

Buying Online Media

Jimmy Hampton

Campaign Analysis: Going beyond conversion to Cost/Revenue

Jacques Warren

Customer and Web Behavioral Integration

Matt Jacobs

Determining KPIs without a consultant

Jacques Warren

Internal Search Measurement and Optimization

Olivier Silvestre

Measurement Outside the traditional Web Analytics Toolbox

June Dershewitz

Measuring Return on Engagement

Terry Cohen

Optimization: Shifting from Manual to Automatic Actions

Matt Belkin

Optimizing Main and Secondary Navigation on a Web Site

Olivier Silvestre

Persuasion Architecture and Functionalism

John Quarto-vonTivadar and Gary Angel

Practical Approach to Online Campaign Measurement

Anil Batra

Reports that Work Uncover the best practices for creating reports that work for you instead of reports that make you work.

Clint Ivy

Using Web Behavioral Data

Aaron Gray

WebTrends Tools

Aaron Gray

Social Media and SEM


AJAX and Search Engine Marketing

Paul Bruemmer

Measuring Blog Performance

Manoj Jasra

Measuring Engagement for Media Sites

Joseph Carrabis and Paul Legutko

Measuring Second Life and Other Social Media

Marshall Sponder and Jared Freedman

Universal Search – Implications

Paul Bruemmer

Using and Measuring Social Networking

Joseph Carrabis

To register, visit

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