Thursday, September 19, 2024

Canadian Teens Are Unaware of Internet Dangers

A study was released recently indicating that the vast majority of Canadian teens are unaware of the dangers and privacy issues of the internet.

The study, performed in partnership between Microsoft Canada and Ipsos-Reid, surveyed a large number of teens of ages ranging from 10-14 years on a number of privacy-related topics.

The results are staggering.

70% of the teens questioned indicated that they believed that the information they put online and sent to friends would be private.

Of this 70%, it was found that 37% of females and 22% of males had emailed a picture of themselves to somebody else on the internet.

Other statistics pulled from the survey:

  • 33 per cent of children age 10 to 14 spend 6-10 hours a week online while 26 per cent spend more than 10 hours a week online.
  • 25 per cent of children would feel safe getting together with a person they have only met online and talked to for a long time online.
  • 17 per cent of children say they have used the Internet in the middle of the night.
  • 11 per cent have been asked by a stranger for personal information while online such as their full name, home address and phone number.
  • One in 10 youth do not know all of the people on their friends/messaging list.
  • Two in five 10 year olds always participate in instant messaging when online.
  • 26 per cent of children age 10 to 14 have seen hateful messages.
  • 96 per cent of parents have spoken with their children about dangers to be aware of online.

What do you think? How could parents do a better job to keep their children out of harms way on the ‘net?


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