Saturday, October 5, 2024

Business Blogs And Customer Connectivity

Do you have a business blog? Do you have a goal in mind for what you’d like to accomplish with your blog? Do you have topics you won’t discuss in your blog?

Sometimes referred to as b-blogs, a business weblog can be a vital link to existing customers and prospective clients.

Many of the best b-blogs provide visitors with a look at the

1. Company represented.

2. Individual heading that company.

3. News that affects the company and its customers.

4. Links that may be beneficial to the customers

5. Personality behind the logo.

The genius behind blogging is that the posts are at the discretion of the business owner and are designed to be informal. This allows visitors to gain a sense for the type of person you are and the type of company you own.

Because the format is informal you need to make sure you have a laser-like focus for your blog. Deviating from a pre-set course for your blog could alienate visitors who have come to expect a singular focus. In some cases bloggers have found themselves in legal trouble because they made a libelous remark about someone on their blog.

By keeping your goal firmly fixed, you may find that more than your customers may look to your blog as a trusted resource. Many successful b-blogs are routinely visited by competitors, which should be viewed as a significant source of flattery. This scenario is a strong indication your success is being noticed.

One of the primary reasons b-blogs are a successful means of conveying information to your customers is they are non-invasive. There are no emails to download and no newsletters to process. In the end, those who visit the blog are there because they chose to be there. They come back because they enjoy the connection.

By becoming a trusted source for information in an informal atmosphere, a b-blog can help move a customer to action through a level of trust you have built through your blog.

Some b-bloggers find that when they post at least daily the growth of their visitors increases rapidly. Some will return for the information while others return because they find your personality a source of interest.

Blogs have been used successfully for personal and instructional use. The advent of a business blog is simply another step in the growth of this tool readily adaptable for customer connectivity.


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Scott Lindsay is a web developer and
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