Thursday, September 19, 2024

Build Your Own

My friend Scott Beale is taking a little heat over at his blog Laughing Squid for promoting Amazon’s latest offering to let bloggers and others build online stores where they can promote the products and artists that they support.

Primary Tentacle Scott BealePrimary Tentacle Scott Beale
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Laughing Squid ? Amazon Associates aStore, Build Your Own

Some are saying that by promoting that Scott is hurting independent local bookstores and the what not. Pure rubbish if you ask me. Scott Beale has done more online for the local San Francisco underground arts community than anyone. And if he wants to make a little cash by setting up a store where he promotes his favorite artists, authors and products, then more power to him.

The fact of the matter is that it costs money to run a website and a blog and Scott makes far less on his blog than any local or independent bookstore. I find it offensive to read naysayers in his comments suggest that Scott ought not to consider an Amazon store — particularly when Scott has given as much as he has to the local arts scene for as many years as he has.

I love supporting artists. If I go to a local show at a club and I like a band I’ll always buy their CD directly from them. I love that I have a copy of Troy Paiva’s excellent book “Lost America” that I bought at his show opening last Friday night that is signed by Troy with the comment “Thomas Hawk Rawks.” By the way, I’d highly recommend picking up a copy of Troy’s book “Lost America, The Abandoned Roadside West” yourself and well look at that, I just linked to

I do support local independent merchants too. All the time. But this shouldn’t preclude me from buying or promoting stuff online also if I’d like to.

Keep up the good work Scott. We all appreciate it. And personally I’m pleased as hell to see you make a buck or two here or there, especially when local artists win as well and we all get to benefit from your excellent taste and suggestions. By the way, I like the idea so much I just might set up my own Amazon store here.

Rock on brother and keep doing that thing that you do so well.



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