Friday, September 20, 2024

Bonanzle Surpasses Milestone User Number

eBay competitor Bonanzle recently told us the company was approaching several milestones, one of these being welcoming its 100,000th registered user. The company announced today that they have surpassed that one. In fact, they did it earlier this week on September 14, just barely a year after the site launched.

Just as with eBay, Bonanzle’s users appear quite passionate in their opinions about the site, whether that be for better for worse. When we last covered the site, the comments poured in ranging from incredibly supportive to downright nasty. No matter which way you feel about it, you can’t deny the site is having an impact in the world of online selling, and that impact is on the rise. It’s got a ways to go before it reaches eBay-status, but the numbers are consistently climbing.

Bonanzle maintains that unlike other marketplaces, its traffic growth of over 5,000% since launch has been attained through a completely grassroots effort. The company has not received any venture capital or angel funding. An average of 10,000 members join the site every month, according to the company.

“I attribute our rapid growth to buyers and sellers having an unmet need for a marketplace where individual people matter, and where the selling fees don’t drag down businesses,” says Bill Harding, Bonanzle’s founder and CEO. “We will continue to add features to make it easier for our buyers to find everything but the ordinary, and we’ll throw in a good amount of fun while we’re at it.”

Bonanzle is currently developing an API, which should be out by the end of the month. This will allow third party developers to create tools, which could further fuel Bonanzle’s growth. The company also recently launched an affiliate program called the “Syndicated Seller” program.

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