Thursday, September 19, 2024

Blogs4Troops Launched

Continuing his commitment to providing the US troops in Iraq the means to communicate with loved ones, Drew Olanoff has prepared another service that will offer the necessary tools to run a weblog.

Just like his Gmail4Troops service, Blogs4Troops was developed to provide moral support for combat troops by giving them the necessary tools and webspace to create and maintain their own blog. Because blogs are predominantly used as online journals, Blogs4Troops is certainly a welcome addition to Drew’s already established troop support programs.

Blogs4Troops Launched Considering the resounding success of the Gmail4Troops program, developing Blogs4Troops seemed like the next logical step. Giving the soldiers who, in all likelihood, are separated from their loved ones the ability to add their thoughts and feelings in a real time atmosphere (provided they adhere to the military’s web journal guidelines) should be as well received as Drew’s Gmail program. And unlike Gmail4Troops, you don’t need an invite in order to participate.

Because of the “instant gratification” offered by the blogosphere, some suggest blogging may be a more effective communication tool than email. This is especially true if you have a number of people you are trying to in touch and up-to-date with.

MindSay, a free blog site similar to and MySpaces, powers the Blogs4Troops program. If you are interested in signing up, please click here, or read Drew’s post for more information. While you are there, take some time and show Drew your gratitude for his efforts in bringing the ability to communicate electronically to the troops.

Chris Richardson is a search engine writer and editor for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest search news.

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