Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Blogs Make Perfect Aids To Learning

BBC News: Blogs are increasingly being used by academics and students. Until a few months ago, the attention paid to web logs, or blogs, focused mainly on politics and the media business.

[…] Now, the technology that has been an alternative source of news to many academics is being incorporated more fully into university life. Blogs are giving departments, staff and students the freedom and informality of tone impossible in scholarly journals or even the student newspaper.

Blogging lecturers say the technology provides them with easy online web access to students and improves communication outside of the classroom.

This should be no surprise to anyone. The academic world has long been at the leading edge in embracing communication technology, both as an aid to education as well as in academic research.

A great example of how such blogging is already in action is Robert French, a lecturer in public relations and multimedia at Auburn University in Alabama, USA.

Last year, Robert started the InfOpinions blog as a means to enable his students to use a tool that’s integral to their studies. Robert says:

I started this blog, initially, in preparation for a class in Fall, 2004. I am continuing the use of blogs/CMS in subsequent classes. My students will be creating, and working with, blogs, wikis and portal sites.

Indeed, take a look at the depth and breadth of how blogs are used in Robert’s curriculum – lots of student blogs there, too.

Undoubtedly, there will be other examples, too. But this is one I know about.

Neville Hobson is the author of the popular blog which focuses on business communication and technology.

Neville is currentlly the VP of New Marketing at Crayon. Visit Neville Hobson’s blog:

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