Friday, September 20, 2024

Blogs’ Impact Still Unfolding

Several articles are showing us some of blogging’s deeper business implications: Pete Blackshaw looks at the impact of push-button publishing …

on traditional Web sites, corporate Web teams and interactive agencies in his ClickZ article, Creative Marketing Destruction: Add Water and Blog Disclaimer: I’m quoted in the article based on some e-mail dialogue Pete and I had recently.

Jason Calacanis opines on the Bloglines/Ask Jeeves deal and discusses how desktop search will ultimately prevail over Web-based RSS readers.

I’m in agreement and hope it is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to consolidation in this industry. BlogPulse, Technorati, Feedster, PubSub. A few things come to mind here: the IT teams developing these services need to have marketing in the room when they name their innovations (ok, at least the folks at Technorati); the space is crowded; one of the big three (Yahoo, Google, Microsoft) will ultimately wrap some of this blog/rss search functionality into their own offering.

Feb14_bloggers_bheadIn the race to be first and break news, bloggers are getting a reputation as being out for big media “scalps” and having a lynch mob mentality.

The NYT reviews the issue that started with Dan Rather and now leads us to Eason Jordan. Jay Rosen, who discussed this very topic on last night’s The MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour, puts a fine point on the topic at his PressThink blog.

Hmm, so PR and bloggers are taking a beating right now. Do I note I am in marketing for awhile until it all blows over? Nah.

Kevin Dugan is the author of the popular Strategic Public Relations blog. Kevin is Director of Marketing Communications for FRCH Design Worldwide.

Visit Kevin’s blog: Strategic Public Relations.

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