Thursday, September 19, 2024

Blogs Gone Wild! Microsoft Challenges Google

The blogs and web forums are going crazy over the widely reported story that Microsoft is challenging Google for search supremacy. In an article at Microsoft and NBC owned, Microsoft said that it is taking aim at privately held Google.

In the article, Bob Visse, director of marketing for Microsoft’s MSN Internet services division, said.”WE DO VIEW Google more and more as a competitor. We believe that we can provide consumers with a better product and a better user experience. That’s something that we’re actively looking at doing,”

Very Interesting…

Visse said Microsoft was making significant investments in developing better search engine algorithims. However, the company has not specified any details of their plans. According to knowledgeble contributers at this Google attack has been planned for some time … it was first mentioned at the WebmasterWorld site in July, 2002.

Here is a comment by a a senior WebmasterWorld poster who calls himself “skibum”:

“The day M$ owns Google = End of Internet
I think this is one battle MSFT will have no chance of winning. People like Google, they don’t like or trust MSFT and in this case they have a choice..unles of course, MS started making browsers that wouldn’t work with or access Google. Google dance becomes the MSN shudder”

EquityMind wrote, “The corporate culture between the two camps couldn’t be more opposite. Google I’m thinking inherently good while Microsoft inherently evil – I don’t have to go into history or explain this to state the obvious. What I do gather from this is a full deploy of resources to try and compete with the big G. The 70 staffers that they have in search is set to triple in size, you don’t triple your tech team if you are looking to make an aquisition, sounds to me like they may try to buy technology but are putting a serious effort in their own search algorithms….”

Canuk stated, “PS. Seems Google’s ungodly market-share in search has finally woken up some major players (Yahoo, Microsoft, etc)… more competition the better.”

Now that’s a comment this writer agrees with!

Yes, Microsoft has used aggressive marketshare tactics (in the past), but Google may just be a baby Microsoft with many of its same bad habits. Of course, this is only natural since Google controls 80%+ of all internet search traffic. Those who depend on Google for traffic know not to mess with Google … they are the only game in town.

Personally, I believe Microsoft’s competing with Google is exactly what the internet needs!

Please send me your comments. I will publish the best of them in a future article. Write me at rich.ord@

murdok is the CEO of Murdok, Inc. which publishes over 200 websites and email newsletters.

Rich also publishes his blog WebProBlog which focuses on internet business and marketing trends.

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