Thursday, September 19, 2024

Blogging Styles

A client of ours was joking around with me last week and said I was the “West coast version of Steve Rubel.” I had to laugh…

… (no offense, Steve, I considered it a compliment), but I’m nobody’s “version” and I’d like to think that if you compared me or this blog with the rest of the PR blogosphere it would by its own right (by its own voice) stand out.

Coincidentally, around this same time last week I was listening to Shel and Neville’s podcast where they made a similar comparison, but more in the context of different styles of blogging, citing Steve and I as two flacks who take rather different approaches to our blogs – his being much more journalistic and mine much more narrative.

For me, this is very true. From day one my goal with this blog was to try and share my experiences and opinions about tech PR and I suppose to some extent discuss the impact of social media on communications programs. My goal was never to become the definitive source for the entire PR industry or the must-read blog for all the latest news. I think there are plenty of other folks out there that do a much better job at this, and Steve is certainly one of them.

That being said, one area I would like to work on with this blog is bringing more personal (in the trenches) commentary to what I’m doing behind the scenes on certain accounts – especially our online projects. There’s always going to be a fine line to walk here because client and competitive sensitivities take priority, but at the same time I’ve only scratched the surface in terms of sharing what I and the team here are doing with our Digital Advocacy work, so I think it’s time to start opening up a little more on that front.

Mike Manuel is the founder of the award winning Media Guerrilla blog. Media Guerrilla is an insiders take on the practice of technology public relations with a focus on the issues, tactics and trends that are specific to the tech industry.

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