Thursday, September 19, 2024

Blogging Report: The State of Blogs

The blogosphere is doubling in size every six months and is now 60 times larger than it was three years ago, according to the latest quarterly installment of David Sifry’s “State of the Blogosphere” report.

On average, a new weblog is created every second of every day – more than 75,000 new blogs created every day.

Technorati also tracks about 1.2 million new blog posts per day, or about 50,000 per hour.

A better indicator of the growth of the blogosphere than simply the number of new blogs created each day is the rate of postings to those blogs. Daily Posting Volume tracked by Technorati is now over 1.2 Million posts per day, which is about 50,000 posts per hour. Some 19.4 million bloggers (55 percent) continue to post three months after their blogs were created (in the previous quarter, 13.7 million blogs were active, 50.5 percent). Moreover, about 3.9 million bloggers update their blogs at least weekly.

Spam pings can account for as much as 60 percent of total daily pings, according to Technorati, and about 9 percent of new blogs are spam blogs or machine generated (not included in the above numbers).

Australia: approx 450,000

Austria: approx 20,000

Canada: approx 700,000

China: 6 million and growing

France: approx 3.5 million

Germany: 300,000

India: approx 100,000

United States: approx 30-50 million

United Kingdom: 2.5 million,

Spain: approx 1.5 million,

South Korea: approx 20 million

But do people read blogs??

Pew Internet and American Life Project released an intriguing new report: Bloggers: A Portrait of the Internet’s New Storytellers

39% of net users (about 57 million American adults) read blogs — a significant increase since the fall of 2005. And 8% of net users (about 12 million American adults) keep a blog.

A recent Gallup poll has shown that an increasing number of people who use the internet are more frequently turning to blogs than other sites for their information. They say that about 20% of the people are using blogs on a normal basis.

But what do Blogger’s write about?

These were the most common primary blog topics cited by pew:

“My life and experiences:” 37%

Politics and government: 11%

Entertainment: 7%

Sports: 6%

General news and current events: 5%

Business: 5%

Technology: 4%

Religion, spirituality or faith: 2%

Hobbies: 1%

Health: 1%

Spam/scrap missing I guess??

Pew surveyed 7,012 US adults by phone, including 4,753 internet users, 8% of whom are bloggers.

Why do people abandon Blogging??

25 percent of all new blogs are what the researchers call “one-day wonders.”

The abandonment rate appears to be effecting well-established blogs: Acording to a Perseus study, over 132,000 blogs are abandoned after a year of constant updating. The average duration of the remaining 1.63 million abandoned blogs was 126 days (almost four months)

Common reasons for abandonment include simple boredom, lack of feedback and readers, Struck up with other activities and cannot spend time on blog.


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Praneeth is the author of the “Digital Media News Portal” with special focus on India.

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