Friday, September 20, 2024

Blogging For Artists

Dilbert creator Scott Adams has put out the call on his blog for comic strip artists; no, not for Dilbert, but for another comic strip he wants to see succeed.

“Are you an excellent artist who is willing to work for practically nothing just to get some attention?” Adams asked on his blog. For the aspiring artist who dreams of occupying a 4″ x 13″ space in the world of comic strips, Adams has a deal for him or her waiting to happen.

He and the creator of the comic strip Unfit, Mike Belkin, feel the strip needs some new artistic talent. They are accepting art submissions of redrawn Unfit strips by email and want to find a new look for the comic.

Whoever applies for and gets the gig should understand that drawing for a syndicated comic doesn’t exactly lead to a lifestyle of tooling around in stretch Escalades and drinking Cristal like it’s water. Adams posted the reality of the job for the potential new artist:

The artist who is selected, if any, will get a cut of the revenue from newspapers and web syndication of Unfit. At the moment that wouldn’t keep you in tube socks. You’d be betting on the future. But you will get a lot of attention, both on this blog and with whatever publicity is generated.

I’ll also work with Mike and the new artist to make the strip more cruel, bizarre, cute, recognizable, clever and naughty.
A little fame, some potential, and the chance to have Adams critique one’s artwork regularly await the winner. Good luck to the applicants.

Email the author here.

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David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.

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