Sunday, October 6, 2024

Bloggers – Their Habits And Policies

Jason and Miel/Coolz0r are doing a joint series on their own blogs where they talk with professional bloggers about their habits and personal reporting policies.

They’ve kicked it off with Philipp Lenssen (link @Jason, @Miel), master of Google Blogoscoped, probably my number one must-read blog.

I think this is a great idea, and the perfect counterpoint to Forbes’ brain fart. While Forbes accuses all bloggers of being lying hacks, here’s Philipp (and hopefully more in the near future) laying out exactly how he credits sources, handles unsubstantiated rumors, and other touchy subjects (and I’ve got news: some of his policies are far more professional than those practiced by Big Media).

I don’t know much of Philipp’s qualifications, but I don’t need to. Without an editor, he has never once made me doubt his honesty and integrity as a journalist in the two years I’ve read his blog. Can Forbes claim that in any month of the year?

Anyway, I look forward to seeing more of this series. I’m hoping they tackle a pro journo turned blogger (like Dan Gillmor) and a non-journalist professional blogger (like Scoble).


For the record, a professional blogger has nothing to do with money. It is anyone who blogs of a mostly non-personal nature (i.e. no typical LiveJournal stuff) and carries his or herself with a personal expectation of presenting integrity to an audience of readers. In other words, anyone who reports anything in any blog online and understands and fears the consequences of being wrong.

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Nathan Weinberg writes the popular InsideGoogle blog, offering the latest news and insights about Google and search engines.

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