Saturday, October 5, 2024

Blogger waging war on Land Rover

Yesterday I wrote a brief post about customer relationship issues and Dell and how an influential US blogger had vented his spleen on his blog detailing his negative experiences with the PC maker.

I noticed a trackback ping to that post from another blogger who’s waging a war in a blog on car maker Land Rover regarding their Discovery 3 SUV. In his post, he says:

[…] To date I haven’t had a response from Land Rover’s PR Manager or their PR company Harrison Cowley. I wonder if its because they don’t understand Blogs or maybe its just arrogance and they don’t care about what their customers are saying.

So what’s this about? In a post last month, the unnamed UK blogger says:

[…] My Demand and the resolution I seek: I want Land Rover to admit publically that my car was a first build F*** Up – I want them to replace it with a new one and (at this stage) I am still prepared to pay in some money for the mileage I have done to date – but they still need to compensate me for the humiliating breakdown; the terrible experience with Land Rover Assist and the overall shoddy, complacent and ineffectual post sales service I have encountered thus far.

So far I have written to the dealership without any response, Land Rover’s PR company and the Head of Communication of Land Rover – also without any response – Today I spent 500 on Google Ad Words and Search Engine Optimisation services and hopefully this Blog will start creeping up in the Land Rover Discovery Searches – it already is being referred by Yahoo and Google and is getting 175 hits per day!

Powerful stuff. Read his following posts to see how the story develops, from hopes rising and hopes plummeting.

The only thing I’m a bit hesitant about is that nowhere on the blog that I can see does the blogger identify who he (or she) is. That somewhat lessens the credibility of this campaign. Is it Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells? No, that’s probably the wrong demographic from another age. Maybe bring it up-to-date to Pissed Off from Preston?

Or could it be a stunt by the PR agency, Harrison-Cowley? No, that stretches credibility a bit (a lot).

So,, let’s have a little clue…

Links: customer relationship issues and Dell

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Neville Hobson is the author of the popular blog which focuses on business communication and technology.

Neville is currentlly the VP of New Marketing at Crayon. Visit Neville Hobson’s blog:

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