Friday, September 20, 2024

Blog Reviews: Sharing Other Blogs

Blog reviews have enormous potential as blog posting ideas. Book reviews are already a popular topic for bloggers. Reading and writing about books and authors is a mainstream, and widely accepted blog posting idea.

The same review approach can also be applied to discussing other blogs. It’s time to consider writing a blog review.

The entire concept of reviewing and discussing other blogs takes some thought on your part. You should be familiar with the blog, preferably as a regular reader. By knowing the blogger and the regular posting topics, a better impression of the blog writer can be presented. As with any subject, the more you study it, the more familiar you become with the material. In the case of a blog, greater understanding of the blogger, both personally and professionally, helps the blog reviewer write a better discussion of the blog’s overall merits.

When selecting a blog for review, choose a blog that you know well. It’s also a good idea to write about a blogger who you know and whose work you appreciate. I prefer to write positive reviews about the blogs I read and recommend on a regular basis. There are so many great blogs from which to choose, that writing a good review should be a fairly easy task. Of course, the hard part is settling on just one preferred blog for that first blog report.

After you have made your final selection, read over the blog, including the archived posts. You are now ready to start writing your post. Examine the overall appearance and layout of the blog, searching for those features that appeal most to you. The areas of the blog that made the greatest impact on you, will probably be the most powerful aspects of the blog for other readers as well. Be certain to emphasise those blog strengths in your review, along with the overall emotional impact that the blog created for you.

Be sure to include a photo of the blogger if one is available. The picture of the blogger enhances the overall impression of the blog writer and of the blog itself. Blogs are about building relationships based on friendship and trust. A photograph goes a long way toward establishing that rapport with the readership. Another useful graphic item to include in the blog review is a screenshot of the blog itself, but that is simply an option. It’s not a requirement.

Write about the good things the blog says to the reader. Discuss in a positive manner the overall themes of the blog, and how the writer conveys those concepts to the blog visitors. If a topic is of special interest to you, be certain to point it out in the review. Those ideas are very important to many other people as well. It’s a great idea to discuss those blog themes, and how well the blogger presents them as posting topics.

As a blog topic, the blog review has many positive benefits. A positive review will be appreciated by the reviewed blogger. The pleasant surprise will probably make their day a more pleasant one. For your readers, you have provided a service by recommending a great new blog to them.

The blog review is a win-win idea for everyone involved.

Review a blog today. It’s not only informative; it’s fun as well.

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Wayne Hurlbert provides insigtful information about marketing, promotions, search engine optimization and public relations for websites and business blogs on the popular Blog Business World.

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