Thursday, September 19, 2024

Blog Posts: Out of Topic Ideas?

Blog posts use up all of your best ideas. Right? You dream up the concept for your latest literary or technical masterpiece of a post, you write it into the blog posting interface, publish it, and voila.

Reality then sets in with a vengeance. You have just used your best topic idea for the post, and you’re left with no clue what to post for the next day. I know. We’ve all been through it. While some of the leading bloggers, with their seemingly twenty posts per day, make it appear easy to find blog subjects, it still takes creativity and imagination.

Finding posting topics is always a challenge. It is difficult for every blogger, regardless of topic. Instead of worrying about what to write about, often ideas appear when least expected. During the day, as you blog hop through other blogs or RSS feeds, jot down the posts that deserve post length comment beyond those left on the blog itself. Even the comments on other blogs, or on your own blog, can generate some very powerful posting ideas.

Other bloggers often provide powerful posts that are virtual launching pads for posts on other blogs. Citing the other blog, and properly linking to it of course, will often lead to you providing another entirely different angle on the subject.

Some bloggers develop an idea file. When topic ideas become hard to find, they simply dig into the topic box. Posts appear like magic. In fact, a tour of a topic file will often keep a blogger filled with ideas, and their spinoffs, for weeks.

Re-examine older postings. In your blog archives dwell a goldmine of potential post ideas. You could think of them as once and future posts. Many older topics are begging for followup, and some may require an entirely new focus. The angle you took on one issue will most definitely not be the only one. Turn an older post around, and look at the subject from the opposite direction. You will most likely find a week’s worth of ideas in that single post.

Start a blogging series. Write about the same topic each day for a week. When you do a series, be sure to offer teasers about the next intallment. Of course, you let your readers know about the upcoming blog post series, didn’t you? I know you did that, gentle reader, as you are a diligent blogger.

If all else fails, you can always blog about nothing. Hey, maybe I’m onto something there. A post about nothing.

Yeah, that’s the ticket.

In the meantime, happy posting.

Wayne Hurlbert provides insigtful information about marketing, promotions, search engine optimization and public relations for websites and business blogs on the popular Blog Business World.

Check out Blog Business World for yourself.

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